歡迎上網留言取票,住台中的朋友們請於6/1直接到7-11 門市索取貴賓卷就可入場囉!
菇王訊息: 1. 有機鹽麴,買一送一 2. 部份商品,第二件半價 3. 現場加入Line,可獲精美贈品 4. 精美2入組小禮盒,原價150元,特價99元,菇王幫您捐1元做公益 5. 現場香椿拌麵、味噌湯、涼拌鹽麴醬試吃
會場訊息: 1. Facebook現場打卡,拍照上傳-送好康 2. 每日前500名進場參觀民眾可獲精美贈品 3. 公益一元競標示 4. 每日1000名來就送(11/27-30)秋季台中國際旅展貴賓免費入場券
Gu Wang vegetarian sauces are made from carefully chosen organic or non-GMO ingredients. We are dedicate to produce more products WITHOUT adding artificial additives or preservatives.
The three generations keep the founder’s spirit to maintain the heritage and continuously create more delicacies.
Gu Wang Foods manufactures only plant-based, non-animal food products, the only vegetarian sauce manufacturer in Taiwan. Gu Wang is also recognized as Master of Vegetarian Gourmet Sauce.
GU WANG FOODS CO., LTD © . All Rights Reserved.